October Recap

image8[2]Can you believe it is already November? This year is flying by! October was a very busy month for me, not really for appointments, mainly just fun social activities which is a nice change.

I did have one important appointment that I will mention first though. Early in October I was contacted by a doctor in Sydney who I had made an appointment to see later in the year. He said he read the information I provided to the receptionist and wanted to see me ASAP and was happy to move my appointment forward a few months. At the time of the phone call I actually thought he was the doctor I booked in to see in April next year (their names sound similar) so I thought he more than halved the cost of the appointment but I was mistaken.

This doctor has a really fantastic website and has the words ‘specialising in medically unexplained symptoms’ repeatedly. What I didn’t realised when I travelled more than three hours to see him that he was just a chiropractor. Anyway, the appointment went really well. He was kind and compassionate – basically everything you want in a doctor. After a two hour consult he decided he could help me and wanted to take on my case. He wanted me to relocate to Sydney for three weeks and treat me every day. He said he was 50-70% sure he could make breakthroughs with some of my symptoms including my back pain, fatigue and bowel issues.


This would have been a $4000 treatment, not including accommodation. I decided to go with my gut which was telling me that it wasn’t for me. Sure, it may have worked and helped me through some of my symptoms but at the end of the day I need a diagnosis and explanation for my symptoms – not just relief. I feel like being undiagnosed for 14 months makes me very vulnerable because obviously I am desperate for help. I may come back to this when I run out of options though, but for now I can’t justify spending that amount of money on that.

October is a big birthday month for me. My partner’s birthday was early in the month and my mum and sisters was a few weeks later. For my partner’s we just had a nice day together. I took him shopping for a new game and then we had lunch and dinner out. For my mum and sister (they’re on the same day) we went out to breakfast and then my mum and I made Bloody Marys all afternoon and well, that’s all I can remember!


My other friend had a gender reveal party which was so beautiful. She’s having a baby girl!! I cried, a lot. I am so excited for this baby.


We bought a house! I still can’t believe it! Everything was finalised this month and we are due to move in early November. In the meantime though, we had to move in with our good friend and put all of our stuff into storage. Moving twice will be painful but that’s ok. I have been super exhausted and sore from packing and moving. I am so lucky to have such a great partner and friends who have done the bulk of the work for me.


In amongst all of this, it was also assessment time at university! Trying to hand in assignments on time with all this going on was a little challenging but I did it. I am pretty proud of myself for keeping up so well with university this semester.


October was a great month, full of social activities and adventures. Medically it was pretty slow and I don’t have any appointments booked in now except the one in April next year. I need to get back to my neurologist to see what I need to do next. The month was super busy and has definitely taken its toll on my body but hopefully November is a more restful month.

You can read this months posts here:

Reflecting Upon The Significance Of A Diagnosis

My Promise To Practice Self-Love Every Day

Thanks for following my journey.

Much love,


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